November 18, 2001

Lunch was served, and Laurie Gilbert began the meeting with a prayer.
Introductions were made around the table, and the signup sheet was passed
around again.

Laurie reported that Aaron, the Youth Leader, asked about the possibility of
allowing the Youth to participate in the Cambodia Mission Trip.  The
Committee that 5 Youth, who were in grades 10, 11, and 12 +, unaccompanied
by their parent's) would be allowed on the trip, with Aaron serving as their
chaperone.  Anyone else who is in at least grade 10 would be allowed to go
with a parent.

In January we will try to put together a tentative list of those who are
planning on going on the trip.  We will decide how to manage the group,
whether we go in teams or all at once, when we know how many will be going.

Account balance is $3,000.  Laurie thanked Ken for putting the minutes on
St. Luke's website.

Dalai gave an update from Joseph; he sends him regards.  He reports that all
of them are very thankful for our hard work and love for missions.  They are
beginning to operate the center.  We asked them what they would like as a
Christmas gift, and they reported the need for 3 car batteries and 2 white
boards instead of chalk boards.  Pastor Kim from the Kmai Mission Reform
Church in Denver who helped us with "Taste of Cambodia" has visited the site
in Cambodia.

Brian Sorsby received his certification on the use of the kitchen and he can
train others as well.  There must always be a certified person in the
kitchen when it is being used.  Thank you to all the volunteers who signed
up to help.  Extra hands are always welcome!

FRIDAY, November 30th, 6:00 Dinner, 7:30 Showtime

Volunteers: 9:00 Brian and Dale, start the sauce
4:00 Betsy Keyack, Dan Raap, John Williams, food prep and
4:30 Linda Harris and Laurie will begin setting up tables
and chairs, tablecloths

Concessions: 6:30 Kathy Balu will purchase the items; Sharon Williams
and Tammy Bell will work the table.  Lynne Sorsby, Marie Fornof, Cindy Raap,
Kathy Balu, and Sharon Williams signed up to bring baked goods.

Cleanup 7:30-9:00 Marie Fornof, John and Sharon Williams, Tammy Bell

SATURDAY, December 1st, 6:00 Dinner, 7:30 Showtime

Volunteers: 4:00 Brian, Dale, Lynne S., John and Sharon Williams,
Tammy Bell, food prep
4:30 Setup Tables and Chairs, Betsy K. Lynne S., Joyce
Carnes, Linda Harris

Concessions: 6:30 Kathy, Joyce, Laurie.  Lynne, Laurie, Kathy and
Sharon will bring more baked goods.

Cleanup 7:30-9:00 Gary and Laurie, Balus


Kathy will help to plan the Parents Day Out for Saturday, December 8, and
the 15th from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.  We will provide babysitting for children
ages 3 and up, with movies and snacks.  The children should bring a sack
lunch if they are here over the lunch hour.  Details will follow.
Volunteers for December 8th are, Laurie, Mark Moore, Ken Decker, Lynne, John
and Sharon, Kathy, and Dale.  Volunteers for December 15th are Dalai, Dan,
Tammy, and Kathy.


Marie discussed planning for the bazaar should begin in August for November
2 or November 9. 
Steve Riley said plans for selling Christmas Trees should begin next July
for Nov and Dec 2002.


Our next meeting will be Sunday, January 13th.  Anyone interested in serving
on the Cambodia Committee or going on the mission trip, should contact
Laurie Gilbert.  We need two volunteers to bring a simple lunch on the 13th.