Cambodia Mission Meeting

April 9, 2000



Following are minutes from our third meeting of the Cambodia Mission Committee:


I.                    Opening – Started meeting with reading last months minutes.


II.                 Old Business


A.     Jan Stull volunteered to chair the Silent Auction Subcommittee.  Ken Fong, Marla Vasten and Nita Dunn will assist in this endeavor.  The first meeting of this subcommittee will be on April 11th at 7:00 pm.

B.     It was decided that we did not need a scale for the change jar – we will be putting marks directly on the jar as to where we are.

C.     Jim Ramsey discussed his upcoming fund-raiser with the Gold Buffalo Men’s Chorus and the St. Luke’s Big Band.  It will be April 28th from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. and all proceeds will benefit Habitat for Humanity and the mission to Cambodia.  Jim indicated a need for assistance with publicity.  Linda Backus volunteered to print out the posters for Jim.  Jim will also place an article in the bulletin each week over the next three weeks.

D.     Dalai’s schedule – Esther is still working on this.  Dalai has received her invitation to start the visa process.


III.               New Business


A.     It was decided that Cambodia Missions will participate in the upcoming Flea Market on May 13th.  Laurie Gilbert will contact Missions to determine their interest in participating.

B.     A discussion was held regarding Dalai’s visit to the US and what experiences we wish to expose her to.  It was decided to involve her in our community, particularly the missions aspect.  Esther will be in charge of putting together Dalai’s itinerary.

C.     Timing of the trip to Cambodia – Dale Balu indicated that due to holiday travel, we may need to push the trip up to mid January.  Bert Stull will check into this (volunteered by Jan as Bert was not present).  Brett Vasten reported that his checking into prices recently has indicated a possible cost to each participant of about $2100 right now.

D.     Dick Evans brought up the subject of international insurance and necessary immunizations.  Jan Stull will check into international insurance.  Esther will contact GBGM (General Board of Global Missions) for immunization information and Linda Backus will focus on this.

E.      Kathy Balu mentioned the need to update the congregation on the Cambodia mission.  Dale Balu and Marla Vasten will write an article for the Chronicle.

F.      Medical issues while in Cambodia – Dick will talk with medical staff members in the church to determine if anyone might be willing to go along.  Jan will find out what we should take as part of our first aid kit.  Brian indicated a need for some members to be trained on CPR and first aid – he also indicated he can train on this as well.

G.     Brett Vasten and Bert Stull will continue to check on airfare options and establishing a schedule for the trip to Cambodia.  It was agreed that we should probably not leave earlier than January 9 or 10 of 2001.


IV.              Closing


A.     Next meeting is scheduled for May 7th at 12:15 p.m.  The Balu’s will bring lunch and we will meet in the Fellowship Hall.

B.     Anyone with ideas of Dalai’s itinerary while she is in Denver should contact Esther.

C.     Linda Backus brought up an upcoming Cambodian New Years celebration and will send out an email on this.

D.     Those who wanted to stay after watched the Church of Cambodia video “Rough Roads to Good Places.”