Cambodia Mission Meeting Minutes:  June 4, 2000


I.          Minutes of previous meeting – no changes


II.               Flea Market Update – Kathy Balu advised we had earned $485.00 from the recent flea market.


III.             Silent Auction Update – Jan Stull advised that business responses to our requests for donations are starting to come in.  The call list was distributed, as well as the script for making follow-up calls.  Membership letters went out today.  Dan Rapp suggested we put the form to donate on the web site – Ken Fong volunteered to work on this as well as photos for the web site.  Judi Evans indicated a need to develop the theme for the Cambodia mission.  She also indicated we have a critical deadline coming up for television.  Laurie Gilbert volunteered to join this committee.


IV.            Dan Rapp has final airline tickets for Dalai.  Dan suggested a letter be sent to Dragon Air regarding Dalai’s flights from Phnom Pehn to Hong Kong and back.  Judi will find out from Esther if she would write this letter.


V.              Treasury Report – Nita Dunn advised we are working on a method to allow matching grants from corporations to the Cambodia Mission.


VI.            Cambodia Initiative Consultation – Volunteers were requested to go to New York City to meet with GBGM (General Board of Global Missions) for strategic planning for Cambodia.  We were also seeking airfare to be donated.  Jan Stull indicated that she would donate the airfare and also would attend the consultation.  Jim Ramsey and Steve Plain also volunteered to attend.


VII.          It was discussed and agreed that anyone wanting to go to Cambodia should attend the June 25th meeting (11:45 am) with their commitment and a check in the amount of $50 made payable to St. Luke’s UMC.  Judi Evans will prepare an announcement for the congregation.


VIII.        Next meeting – June 25th at 11:45 am in the Fellowship Hall.  Brian and Lynne Sorsby will bring lunch; Laurie Gilbert bringing the drinks.