Cambodia Mission Meeting


August 27, 2000



I.                Meeting started with a prayer.


II.              Jim Ramsey reported on Siem Reap project planning


A.    Housing – Mission team will be staying in the church and with community members.

B.    Project Goals


·       Focus on one project like the vocational school or the community center, to be determined later.

·       Work the new plots of land.

·       Evangelize to the children, youth and community.

C.    Proposed schedule was also discussed


III.            Rich Boon – Reported on his efforts to solicit donated building materials from manufacturers.  Rich has requested from various companies, such as Dow, for donated building and roofing materials.  He is also checking into solar energy sources that could be utilized in Siem Reap.  Rich indicated our biggest problem would be timing, as the shipping could be difficult.  Rich will report again on this subject.

IV.            Sharon Stonecipher – Reported that the immunizations would be given at St. Luke’s on a Thursday – date to be reported to us via email.  If you are unable to attend, you may get your immunizations through Tri-County Health, Laurie McGuire, 303-846-6226.

V.              Taste of Cambodia – Wrap-up.  Jan Stull reported that 268 items were donated – 40 obtained through letters sent to merchants, 228 through church and committee members.  The Cambodia Mission Team thanks Jan Stull and Laurie Gilbert for their efforts, as well as many others whom helped.

VI.            Treasurer’s Report – Nita Dunn reported that St. Luke’s has sent $16,000 to GBGM for Joseph Chan’s use on the “Dream Project”. 

VII.          Fundraising – Brainstorming session.


A.    War & Peace Vases – Jan Stull volunteered for this project.

B.    Mission T-shirts or polo shirt – Steve Riley volunteered to head up this project.

C.    Presales of video on mission – volunteer?

D.    Godspell concessions – November 17 & 18 – Brian Sorsby volunteered to take on this project.

E.     Big Band Benefit – November 4th – Jim Ramsey in charge.

F.     Walkathon

G.    Christmas Tree lot – provide location?  Sales?  Brian Sorsby and Nita Dunn to check into feasibility of this.

H.    St. Luke’s Holiday Ball


VIII.        Additional Items


A.    Steve Riley – advised that anyone going on the mission trip should check with his or her private medical insurance carriers to determine what coverage may be available for the trip.  It was requested that Esther check with GBGM to see if any group coverage might be available for those who’s medical insurance will not cover international travel to Cambodia.

B.    Steve Riley – indicated he knows someone who has traveled extensively in Cambodia, and suggested this individual visit our group to provide more in-depth personal knowledge about travel in Cambodia.  The team agreed that this would be an excellent idea.  Steve will schedule.

C.    Future item – gifts for the families’ mission team stays with in Cambodia.  Team members should consider.

D.    A BIG THANK YOU to Kathy Haynes – she is donating all the film and processing for the Cambodia mission team.


IX.            Next meeting – September 17th at 12:05 p.m.  Mark Moore volunteered to bring lunch and Marie Fornof is bringing beverages.