Cambodia Meeting Minutes
September 15, 2002
Betsy Keyack started us off by reading Cheryl Richardson's "Our Passions in
Action" and Laurie Gilbert led us in a prayer.
Dinner Menu Ideas
We discussed dinner menu ideas that would not only be "do-able" for a
crowd, but would also bring in plenty of people. We decided our theme
be Dinner to Warm Our Souls. We will serve a hearty minestrone soup, meat
and meatless, with a variety of salads and a variety of fresh-baked breads.
We will need lots of volunteers to help prepare the food and help with
set-up, serving, and clean-up. We are doing this for the two nights of the
"Joseph" musical, Friday, November 15th and Saturday, November 16th.
plenty of help, we can make sure everyone gets to see the show.
Craft Bazaar Update
Date: Saturday, November 2nd.
Marie Fornoff was unable to attend the meeting, but she called and said she
was looking for two volunteers to plan and manage a food table. She
suggests light breakfast items like muffins and coffee for the morning and
then hotdogs or sloppy joes with chips, pop and water for lunchtime. The
crafters as well as the customers may want to eat at some point. (Mmmmm,
chile dogs.......!) Marie has also been planning the communications:
putting up ads at craft and sewing shops and advertising in the newspapers.
Laurie introduced Karen Colman to the group. Her son Kyle will be going on
the trip with the youth.
We distributed an article from the NY Times on the problems with Dengue
Fever in Thailand and Cambodia. There is no vaccine, but it is spread by
mosquitoes, so we will have to use insect repellent (with 20% to 30% DEET)
on our skin and clothing. Mark Moore also distributed an interesting
article on Buddhism.
First Aid Kit
We received a list for our own personal first aid kit and also signed up to
contribute to the community kit that Marie will be responsible for. Both
Marie and Jan Stull are registered nurses that will be on the trip with us.
Mosquitoes in the area are quinine tolerant, so we will need to take a
different anti-malarial drug. Please bring a list of your medical history
and medications you are taking to be kept confidential by Marie. We will
probably send out a form for that. We will also need a list of contacts
back home. Check out the travel insurance brochure and check with your own
provider for exclusions out of the country. Remember to bring several
copies of your passport and a copy of your medical cards.
Ken Decker and Joyce Carnes reported on the plans for tours and hotel
arrangements. It will include downtown Bangkok, dinner near the river,
night drive for sightseeing, a Thai cultural show, the floating market,
temples, and Angkor Wat. We discussed other plans as well, and will
finalize them at the next meeting. Steve Riley brought plans for the Viet
Nam tour for the small group that is going.
Ken will bring more information on the currency that everyone will need to
bring. Everyone needs to bring 3 additional passport photos for visas in
Cambodia. Those that are going to Viet Nam will need a total of 5.
Sample Itinerary
There was some discussion on what we would do there and when. We decided
also do a day camp with the children while the rest of the team works on the
project. Joseph sent plans for three different buildings. We decided
commit to the $20,000 structure. We have $18,000 now and hope to make a
more thousand with the bazaar and the Joseph dinner. Money from the bricks
may not be received until late winter or spring.
Potluck at the Balus will be on Saturday, October 12th. Meats will be
provided, please bring an appetizer, side dish, salad, or dessert to share.
If you went to Cambodia last time, bring your photo album to share
especially with the new team members.
The next meeting will be held on Sunday, October 13th at 12:15 pm. Joyce
Carnes and Andrea Mezger will provide the lunch.