2023-2024 Sunday School Registration
(Register NOW and any time throughout the school year - Promotion Sunday is August 25, 2024)

We are St. Luke's Kids and we hope that your child(ren) and your whole family have the opportunity to know and experience God with us! We ask that you register all of your children (age 0 to grade 6) each year so we can stay connected, keep our database current and plan for our classes, resources, and supplies. Our Sunday morning opportunities for children: Nursery: ages 0-2, Joy Trek Sunday School: age 3-Kindergarten, PEAK Sunday School: grades 1-4, Tweens Sunday School: grades 5 & 6.

TO REGISTER: Please fill out the form below as completely as possible so we can best serve you and your child(ren). This registration is good until July 2025. We ask that you register once each year. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. And we need your help, please consider volunteering in Sunday School for a few Sundays during the year, check the box below for information. Thank you for your help!

BLESS YOU & THANK YOU! The Children's Ministry Staff

Parent/Guardian information (required):

I would like information on:

Sunday School year runs Aug. 2024-July 2025. Children are placed based on their age/grade noted below.

Child # 1

Child # 2

Child # 3

Child # 4

Child # 5

Child # 6

Need help or have questions? Contact Sharon Oliver 303-791-0659 x127 or email Sharon