Frequently Asked Questions

What makes St. Luke’s unique?
St. Luke’s is a vibrant Christian community located in a fast-growing community. We offer programs for all age groups. On Sunday mornings, we have Sunday services in the Sanctuary and Christian Education for children, youth, and adults. But St. Luke’s is about much more than Sunday mornings. We have opportunities throughout the week and throughout the year for you and your family to grow in your faith through education, music, drama, mission trips, and fellowship. As a Methodist church, our theology is based on Scripture, Tradition, Reason, and Experience.

Why We Exist: Because of the life and teachings of Jesus, we exist to deepen people's connections with God, show compassion for all, and reflect God's love in a way that changes lives.

Our Principles:

Grace - Because all have received God's grace, we in turn are called to extend to others respect, compassion, acceptance and love.
Courage - We take risks by welcoming different viewpoints, engaging in difficult conversations, and moving beyond comfort zones.
Wonder - Faith is a journey, not a destination. Wonder and curiosity inspire us to embrace the journey and explore the mysteries of God.
Beyond - God invites us to move beyond the self to others, beyond the norm to the new, and beyond our walls to the world.

Grace leads us to Courage. Courage moves us to Wonder. Wonder leads us to go Beyond. Beyond moves us to Grace for all.

What should I wear to St. Luke’s?
Casual clothes are the norm at St. Luke’s. Wear whatever you are comfortable in. Yes, people wear shorts during the summer. But people also wear suits and dresses.

What are your communion practices?
Communion is usually served on the first Sunday of each month during the Sunday morning services. Following Methodist traditions, our communion is open to everyone.

What do you offer those with special vision or hearing needs?
For those with special hearing needs, we have special earphones. For those with special vision needs, we have large format bulletins and hymnals. Please ask an usher if you have these needs.

What if I feel Called To Serve?
Stop by the "Get Connected Center" on Sundays. We have many opportunities for you to use your gifts given to you by God to serve in the community and the world. Contact Rev. Calob Rundell 303 791 0659 x103 or email Calob.

What if I want to join St. Luke's?
To join, simply fill out the membership card located at the Get Connected Center or in the "Friendship Pad." Simply hand the membership card to one of our Pastors or staff members at any time, or contact Rev. Calob Rundell 303 791 0659 x103 or email Calob. more ...