If you need to communicate something at St. Luke’s, we have lots of avenues for you! First, look at your target audience and figure out which options would work best. Messaging is very important to cut through the clutter. Make sure you give your audience a reason to pay attention to your message and that it is clear and to the point. Also, please review our Styles and Standards Guide so that your message complies with standards established by the St. Luke’s “brand.”
We have lots of methods to strategically utilize:
When planning an event don't forget to plan your communication methods in advance and allow a minimum of one full week (sometimes several weeks are necessary) for preparation.
Short announcements in the weekly Sunday bulletin should be submitted to the Office Administrator. Submit your request using this link. Please use this page to submit announcements to publicize events at St. Luke's UMC. You may begin announcing your event 3 weeks prior to the day of the event or the event signup deadline; all requests must be received by noon on Tuesdays. Please be aware of the guidelines: the maximum number of words allowed is 40 and the maximum number of characters allowed is 250.
The direct approach, i.e., postcards for communicating with select subsets or personal invitations handed out between services can help get the word out to those you are trying to reach. Targeted mailing lists and labels are available through the office staff. All requests must comply with the St. Luke's UMC Confidentiality Policy. If you would like to do a targeted mailing to a specific group from the church database, call the Office Administrator at 303-791-0659x110. You may also qualify for bulk mailing rates to save money. *Make sure you have money in your budget, if not, please see our Finance Director. Allow 3 weeks lead-time.
Placements in the external press (e.g., the Highlands Ranch Herald, Denver Post) should be done at least 4-6 weeks in advance. Types of press include advertisements of upcoming events or human-interest stories (e.g., past mission trips).
Flyers and posters are a great way to get the word out. Be sure to include the "who, what, where, when and why" of your event. Tips for a good flyer or poster:
- Include information about the event, date, time, place, and contact.
- Garamond or Gills Sans is the preferred font for St. Luke’s.
- Include a graphic that reprints clearly when copied and communicates something about your theme or event.
You may do all of your printing at the church. See the Finance Director for your copier code. Please contact the Office Administrator 303-791-0659 or email the office for approval of where to hang these items before you post! Posters may also be included in our Kiosk; contact the Office Administrator 303-791-0659 or email the office.
Pamphlets are a good tool for introducing all of our community to your group. They give a brief overview of what you're about. Include your group's mission statement and information about how to get involved. Please contact our Communications Team to publish this item. They can help you in writing text, editing, and keeping with St. Luke’s formats.
The Chronicle is published 6 times a year. It's a great place for post-event coverage. This is a great place to boast of successes! By recapping great events, we create momentum toward next year's efforts. Upcoming major events and schedules are also published here, i.e. Advent, Easter, Stewardship.
Issue Feb./March "Lent/Easter" issue April/May "Spring" issue June/July “Summer” issue Aug./Sept. “Kick Off” issue Oct./Nov. “Fall” issue Dec./Jan. “Advent/Epiphany” issue
The deadline for each issue is usually mid-month the month before and is listed on the inside cover of each issue of The Chronicle.
Email may be sent to various St. Luke's members, to various groups of members, or to all St. Luke's members who have requested email as a form of contact.
- Individual group (i.e.: Chancel Choir, Simply Saturday) blasts are the responsibility of each group. If you are a leader of a small group, consider using a Ministry Email List (click here).
- Church wide blasts are to go through the Office Administrator *see guidelines below.
Short announcements can be included in this weekly email blast and must be submitted to the Office Administrator by noon on Tuesdays. Email the church office or drop your request off in the church office Mondays-Fridays from 8:00am-1:00pm, 1:30pm-4:00pm. Please keep your items as brief as possible with topic, date, time, location, and contact information. Requested items will be reviewed by the Pastoral Team and Office Administrator for relevance to our St. Luke's community.
To advertise your event on the video screen before Sunday services, send a brief announcement here. The deadline is 3:00pm Thursday. Text should be no longer than one or two sentences, with the topic, date, time and location. *Please add a note as to when the event can/should be removed. Announcements will be run no more than two Sundays before an event and will also cycle through on the screen in the entry. If you want to create the actual Powerpoint slide, use the widescreen (16:9) format and send it here.
To advertise your event on the Kiosk in the Fellowship hall, go to stlukeshr.com/kiosk or contact the Office Administrator 303-791-0659 or email the office.
To have a video prepared, please contact Ken Fong 303-346-7057 or email Ken at least three weeks in advance. These videos can be a good way to provide exposure to a small group, to advertise upcoming events, or to highlight a special occasion.
Information, registrations and other forms of feedback are easily handled by creating a special event webpage. Direct the St. Luke's Community to your event under the Upcoming Events section of the main website. Include pictures of past events, and detailed information about your event that is accessible 24 hours a day from the St. Luke's website. Examples include Family Camp, Nursery Reservation, and Youth Mission Trips. Send submissions to the website team here. Three weeks of lead-time are recommended.
Church Event Calendar We have an events calendar to show what's going on at St. Luke's, such as small group meetings, rehearsals and classes. To reserve space or Zoom for an event, complete the Space/Zoom Scheduling Form on our website.
We have a St. Luke’s Page on Facebook: www.facebook.com/stlukeshr. This page is primarily used by the St. Luke’s staff to post information of interest to the community (e.g., sermons, upcoming events). Contact a staff member if you’d like to add something to this page. We also have a St. Luke’s Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/78748375462. This is intended for more two-way interaction between members of St. Luke’s, such as when a Pastor asks for responses to a Sermon question. Contact: Sharon Oliver
Please make sure you have any flyers/signups located at the center. If it is a large event (i.e.: any retreat…) or collection of money, the small group is responsible for assigning a person from that team to be present on Sunday mornings. If you need a separate table, please discuss the need with Sam Leahy 303-791-0659 x140 or email Sam prior to the Sunday you wish to set-up.
Our copiers are available for use with authorization. Making copies is the responsibility of the committee, not the office staff. If you need assistance in using the machine or getting a user number, please contact the Office Administrator or Finance Director. If you have a large quantity of copies, please check with the Office Administrator to set up a time when you may come in to use the copier.
Our computers are not for “general” use. Arrangements can be made with staff members, if necessary, for the use of a computer. Other office machines (folder, laminator, binder, etc…) can only be used with authorization.
Postage Meter and Notecards are available in the church office from the Office Administrator. You will be responsible for taking your mailings to the post office, not the office staff, unless it can be picked up by the postman. If your mailings need to be weighed and metered, you will be responsible for taking them to the post office to have this done. We have a small scale in the office that you may use. Your team will be required to provide volunteers for folding, stuffing and stamping the materials.
Office supplies are kept in the office. If you need something please ask the Office Administrator if it is available, if not, it will be ordered for you. Allow at least 7 days or more…don’t wait! If you take something from the workroom cabinet and it’s the next to last one, please let the Office Administrator know. If you need a large amount of supplies, please let the Office Administrator know 1-2 weeks in advance of your project time so it can be ordered for you or your team.
Communitas/Community Learning supplies – please contact Rev. Sallie Suby-Long. 303-791-0659 x132 or email Sallie
Children’s Ministry supplies – please contact Children’s Ministry – Sharon Oliver 303-791-0659 x127 or email Sharon
Letterhead stationery and matching envelopes: Please do not take these without first consulting with the Office Adminstrator. Please use letterhead at a minimum, as it is very expensive. Other paper and envelopes are also available in the church office.
A large archive of photos of previous St. Luke's activities is available from Sharon Oliver and/or Ken Fong. Unfortunately, they are not yet well
organized. Contact them if you would like a copy of a photo; please give
the approximate date and
description of the event.
Various versions of the official St. Luke's logo are available here. The St. Luke's logo is intended for use as part of official St. Luke's events. Any other use is prohibited.