United Methodist Women is now United Women in Faith. We've taken a new name to better reflect how we answer our calling today, as we commit to even greater inclusivity, activism, and impact. Yet we remain women of passion and power, united by God's love in our mission to help women, children, and youth. https://uwfaith.org
Our Mountain Sky Conference United Women in Faith connects and nurtures women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship, and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities. https://www.mtnskyumw.org
Here is a link to the long, beloved history of this organization of women in the United Methodist Church. https://uwfaith.org/who-we-are/our-history/ We are proud to continue this legacy at St. Luke's.
At St. Luke's we follow the beliefs and missions of the National, Conference and District mission of United Women in Faith.
We currently offer three "creative fellowship" groups:
1st Wednesday at 10:00am (room 206) This group of retired and senior ladies share in many ways - Devotions, Fellowship and Service.
4th Monday at 7:00pm (in person room 206 or by ZOOM) Coordinator is Teri Burget .
3rd Saturday each month* from 10:00am-noon in the youth room at St. Luke's. Join us in making meaningful items with love and care. Some items include blankets for children's hospital, VA hospital and homeless, Christmas stockings, and Quilts of Valor. Coordinator is Victoria Mason
Wisdom for Women, Saturday, March 8 from 10:00am-2:00pm Hope United Methodist Church 5101 S Dayton St., Greenwood Village 80111. Author, career coach and spiritual director, Cathy Fort Leyland, "Whispered Wisdom", will speak on creative communication and encouragement as tools to help others attune to God's voice and follow the Spirit's lead. Registration is $25 (includes signed copy of book and a light lunch) due by March 2 to info©hope-umc.org. For more information contact Betty Ludlam
St. Luke's UWF Potluck Breakfast "Community of Women" May 10, 2025 at 9:00am. Rev. Liza Stoltz Hanson will be our guest speaker. Join us in Fellowship Hall, and bring a breakfast dish to share. We will have a short program with time for fellowship and questions about getting connected to the women's community at St. Luke's. Childcare can be available with 48-hour notice to Sam Leahy
Hosting UWFaith Annual Breakfast June 14, 2025, 7:00am. St. Luke's United Women in Faith will be hosting the Annual Conference UWFaith for their annual breakfast. More info to follow.