Here I am Lord! Is it I Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night. I will go, Lord,
if you need me. I will hold your people in my heart.
Hymn #593
Put together a homeless kit for
our tub in the mission closet. Check
for kit suggestions.
Take the kids to the grocery store and collect a bag of food for DenUM. Take the donation to DenUM or bring it to the mission closet. Cook a meal as a family for the monthly Urban Peak Meal. Look for the sign up on the Mission Kiosk. Call Diane Tolleson @303-683-1295. Have a garage sale and offer the proceeds to St. Paul's Meal Program or another charity of your choice. Drive the family to the charity to deliver your donation. Call Betsy Keyack for a Poland Pen Pal at 303-346-7057. Learn all you can about Poland and the city your Pen Pal lives in. The whole family (baby and all) can join in the annual CROP WALK in October to help the hungry in our world. Decorate a jar in which to collect coins for your favorite charity. Learn as much as you can, as a family, about the charity you chose. To find out more about visiting Senior Citizens in local Senior Centers or Nursing Homes, please call Andrea Mezger at 303-791-7350. Offer to deliver "Meals on Wheels" in the Littleton area with your children, even if it is only for one day. The seniors are thrilled to open their door to little ones. Call Jan Andrus at 303-798-7642. Sign up to help with the Inner City Parish Senior Meal Program. If they don't need servers, visiting with the elderly is always appreciated. (Saturday's) or call Debbie Lawrence @303-346-3210. Join a Martin Luther King Jr. Unity Walk held each January. Write a Chronicle article about your Mission experience to share with the congregation! Donate new or used Halloween costumes for the annual Warren Village Halloween party hosted by St. Luke's Youth for the children. Get more information on national and inter-national mission trips offered through VIM. (Volunteers In Mission) website. Start a tradition of adopting a Heifer animal once a year. Have the family learn more about the program and help to select the animal. or contact Debbie Lawrence @ 303-346-3210. Sign up to help Sunday mornings at St. Paul's Sunday Meal Program. Call Linda Backus @ 303-796-8185. English as a Second Language- Penny Perkins 303-841-6942. Providing instruction in English as a second language is a great need in this area including Highlands Ranch. Volunteer tutors are needed to help immigrant students one-on-one. | Take the family to Build a Bear
and donate your new stuffed animal to Children's Urban Peak or the Hospital.
Have the family write or draw a handmade card(s) for our staff member(s) or for the people who are on the prayer chain or who are homebound. Clean out the kids closets and drawers for gently used summer clothing & small "like new" stuffed animals for the children in El Salvador. Contact Marcia Enger at 303-471-7463. Learn more and join in the annual AIDS Walk held every fall. Call Susan McIntosh at 303-347-0727 for more info or look up Infant apparel, baby furniture, toys, diapers and formula are always in need for Shannon's Hope. Call Grace Fawcett, 720-981-1340 for more information. Go to the Denver Urban Gardens with the whole family. Call Alyssa at 303-292-9900 to help weed or plant the garden. All of the produce will go to people in need. Volunteer to work one of the St. Luke's Work Day's. Dates will be posted in the bulletin as they come up. Join the St. Luke's Caring Connection to help make and/or deliver meals to our members or those in our community in need, or make visitations to those who are housebound. Donate your old prescription glasses and cases to be reused by those in need. Collection tub is located in the mission closet. On your travels, collect hotel soaps, shampoos, conditioner etc. for the Women's Crisis Center. Call 303-688-1094 or call Debbie Lawrence at 303-346-3210. Donate old cell phones, they will be used for 911 emergency calls for women caught in abusive situations. Donation tub located in mission closet. Call Andrea Mezger for more information: 303-791-7350. Check out for opportunities to help in a variety of ways for the Gathering Place. Another source of local mission ideas: Contact Volunteers of America. United Way Agencies Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado Watch for additional opportunities at St. Luke’s to sponsor a young Cambodia student for one year of school for $100. Contact Laurie Gilbert at 303-791-1328. Considering joining the Missions Team for the coming year and get involved in both domestic and international projects. |
"...Serve One Another in Love"
Galatians 5:13