St. Luke's is sponsoring a refugee family from Liberia. Our family is a
mother, Sharon Jargba, and 4 children: Comfort, age 10; Roland, age 8;
Darlington, age 6; and Grace age 12 months. They arrived on November 25th.
The people of St. Luke's have been so wonderful with their offers and gifts of
furniture, household supplies and help!
You can read more about our family in the diary:
24 to December 30, 2003
See more photos of the Jargba family
Current needs from the congregation are:
*Help with transportation to shopping and appointments.
*Beginning English language tutoring for Sharon.
*Resources (e.g., workbooks) for teaching English.
*Grocery certificates for King Soopers and/or non-perishables not covered by
Food Stamps, e.g., diapers (size 3), paper towels, toilet paper, kleenex,
laundry soap (Dreft), personal hygiene (shampoo, soap), garbage bags,
reynolds wrap, dish soap. Items can be left in the Missions closet labeled
"Jargba family." Sign up sheet will also be available soon.
*Phone cards, so Sharon can call back to Africa.
*Friendly, welcoming visits.
Contact person is
Betsy Keyack