St. Luke's Kids

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- Children's Ministry Programs

- St. Luke's Little School

Opportunities to Serve

Thank you for your interest in "St. Luke’s Kids" Children’s Ministry. We hope that you feel as blessed as we do to be a part of the spiritual care and formation of our children here at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church. Below is a list of opportunities to serve in the Children’s Ministry here at St. Luke’s (St. Luke’s Kids: Growing with God.) Everyone is invited to have a role in our ministry regardless if you have children in the programs or not. We do encourage parents to find at least one role that fits their time, passion, and interest to help make our ministry the best it can possibly be for our children. Our hope is that everyone can find a place to serve. Areas marked with a * can be filled by youth grades 7-12.

Our desire as a staff is to be a support mechanism for you. Not just in your role(s) of service with our children, but in your own faith journey with God. We want to support any needs you have as an individual or your family, know that our primarily role and passion is to care for you. If ever have any questions or concerns, need prayer, or anything else please do not hesitate to let us know.

We offer annual training for servants who want some ideas and advice for working with our children and for those who want more information about the curriculum that will be used during the year and to stay current on our Safe Sanctuary procedures and policies. We encourage all servants to take advantage of all of the training sessions offered.

Summer - June 1 through August 30
Fall - September 1 through November 30
Winter - December 1 through February 29
Spring  - March 1 through May 31

"Gifts that fit this role" lists spiritual gifts that may best fit this role. A good thing to consider as you look where you might want serve, but not a requirement for serving. For a gift inventory or more questions, please see Sharon.

Master List

9:30am Sunday School:
    Joy Trek (Age 2-Pre-K)
        Music Leader
    PEAK Adventures (Grades K-4)
        Workshop Teacher (Art, Cinema, Cooking, Games, Science, Storytelling)       
        Music Leader  
    Tweens ROCK
        Lead Teacher           

11:00am Sunday School:
Godly Play

        Craft Leader

Special Events & Other Programs (variety of roles for each event, see description)
    Christmas Pageant        Easter Fun Day        Children’s Dinner Theater
    Family Movie Night        Playgroups        Parent’s Night Out        Hanging of the Greens    Tree Lighting
    P.R.A.Y./Scout Sunday            SLY, Jr.

Vacation Bible School
    Mission Lead            Snack Lead        Bible Drama Lead
    Discovery/Science Lead        Games Lead        Crafts Lead
    Decoration Lead        Music Lead            Snacks Lead
    Teacher            Assistant(s)            Superintendent(s)

Support Roles (variety of roles in each area, see description)
    Leadership Team        Communication        Support Team
    *Curriculum Sorting        Music Prep            Data Entry
    *Easter Bulletin’s        Christmas Eve Bulletin’s    Christmas Eve Service
    Other Needs/As Needed    Closet Organization        Room organization/décor
    Snack Team for events    Third Grade Bibles        Library
    Tech Team*

Other Roles
    Create a Ministry        Launch a Ministry        Other need/role

Descriptions of Roles

9:30am Sunday School:

Joy Trek (2 years old through Pre-K)
•    Lead Teacher - Serves as the lead teacher for a class separated based on age group. Arrive by 9:15am to set up and greet parents. The craft and lesson are provided, and teaching includes reading the story to children and interacting with them as they do any crafts or activities. Advance preparation is recommended and the curriculum will be made available before the start of each quarter. Teachers are asked to commit to teaching a quarter if at all possible.
Gifts that fit this role: teaching, hospitality, mercy, shepherding, evangelism

•    Shepherd - Serves as an assistant for a Joy Trek Sunday School class arriving by 9:20 to help parents sign in and answer any questions. Assists the teacher with projects and leading the class. Helps with bathroom breaks. 
Gifts that fit this role: service, mercy, hospitality, evangelism, shepherding

PEAK Adventures (Kindergarten through 4th grade)

•    PEAK Workshop Teacher - Teach the workshops to children using the curriculum provided. Workshop teachers are asked to commit to 1-3 rotations of 5 weeks or can teach a certain grade throughout the year or half the year. Schedules are made by the teachers and leaders of each workshop in conjunction with the master Sunday school schedule. Curriculum is provided.
Gifts that fit this role: teaching, hospitality, mercy, shepherding, evangelism

•   PEAK Shepherd - Serve as the assistant for the workshop.  Assist the teacher with classroom needs and help with children.  You will be with the same age group your entire time as they move to different workshops. Make sure children sign in and are signed out by an adult. Commitment is generally one to two 5 week rotations for the year.
Gifts that fit this role: service, mercy, hospitality, evangelism, shepherding

•    PEAK Music - Lead the music portion of opening for the large group & PEAK program. Music provided. Commitment is to one or two 5 week period. Schedules are made based on people’s availability. Need to have some music ability for this role; the more, the better.
Gifts that fit this role: encouragement, leadership, evangelism, service

Tweens ROCK
•    Tweens ROCK Lead Teacher - Serves as the lead teacher for a quarter for Tweens, leading the class using the curriculum provided. Help lead provided games and take the lead in classroom management.
Gifts that fit this role: teaching, hospitality, mercy, shepherding, evangelism

•    Tweens ROCK Shepherd  - Serves as an assistant for Tweens ROCK Sunday School class arriving by 9:20 to help parents sign in and answer any questions. Assists the teacher with projects and leading the class. Helps with bathroom breaks. EAch Shepherd is asked to commit for one month a year, but may serve more or less.
Gifts that fit this role: service, mercy, hospitality, evangelism, shepherding

•    Superintendent - Welcomes and registers visitors, collects offering, takes attendance, helps with any emergency situations. Signs in children for 11:00am program. Serves one Sunday a month throughout the year.
Gifts that fit this role: hospitality, administration, evangelism

•    Greeter - Assists with greeting and showing visitors to their class and helping to answer any questions they might have.  Offers a warm friendly greeting and connection.  May serve at superintendant station, in the David area or the Goliath area as needed.  Commitment is one Sunday a month throughout the year.
Gifts that fit this role: hospitality, evangelism

•    Floater - Checks in with Superintendent and CM Staff at 9:20am to find out where a need is and helps fill it. Must be familiar with all aspects of 9:30am Sunday School and comfortable jumping in and leading a class if needed. Resources will be provided.
Gifts that fit this role: teaching, hospitality, mercy, shepherding, evangelism

11:00am Sunday School - Godly Play
•    Storyteller - Serve as the storyteller using the Godly Play curriculum for a quarter preparing and leading the story for the day using the tools provided. Work with craft leader to plan projects for the children for that week. Collect offering from children.
Gifts that fit this role: teaching, hospitality, mercy, shepherding, evangelism

•    Shepherd - Serves as an assistant arriving by 10:45am to help parents sign in and answer any questions. Assists the teacher with projects and leading the class. Assists with sign out and helps with bathroom breaks. Shepherds are asked to commit for one month a year, but may serve more.
Gifts that fit this role: service, mercy, hospitality, evangelism, shepherding

•    Craft Leader - Helps to plan activities for the lesson planned in Godly Play using the supplies given to have various stations as well as a project that is connected to the topic for the day. Can serve 1-3 weeks per month for all or part of the year. Arrives early to setup and stays to help lead clean up.
Gifts that fit this role: craftsmanship, encouraging, helping, hospitality, shepherding

Special Events & Other Programs
Christmas Pageant
•    Director - Selects or writes the script for the pageant. Works with the Children’s Ministry staff to plan rehearsals and schedule as well as advertising and communication.
Priority-High            Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: creative communication, administration, shepherding, leadership
•    Coordinator - Assists the director in the areas of planning, organizing, and communication.
Priority-High            Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: administration, helps, leadership, shepherding
•    Program Creator - Creates and prepares the printed program for the pageant.
Priority-Medium        Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: administration, creative communication, helps
•    Music Assistant - Helps in the preparation, selection and practicing of the music for the pageant.
Priority-Medium        Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: encouragement, shepherding, leadership
•    Costumes Coordinator - Coordinates costumes for the pageant working with the staff to fill any
costume needs.
Priority-Medium        Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: helps, leadership
•    Set Director - Leads the preparation and maintenance of the set for the pageant.
Priority-Medium        Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: craftsmanship, helps
•    Shepherd/Helper - Helps the pageant director and team with any needs in preparation of and on the day of the pageant.
Priority-Medium        Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: varies
•    Shepherds - Leads the kids up to the pageant on the day of the pageant and at some rehearsals.
Priority-High            Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: shepherding, helps, encouraging

Easter Fun Day
•    Coordinator - Works with the children’s ministry staff to plan and lead all aspects of Easter Fun Day.
Priority-High            Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, administration
•    Shepherds/Helpers - Serve on Easter Fun day helping to make the day special at a variety of stations in a variety of roles.
Priority-High            Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: helps, shepherding, encouragement

Children’s Dinner Theater
•    Director - selects or writes the script for the presentation. Works with the Children’s Ministry staff to plan rehearsals and schedule as well as advertising and communication.
Priority-High            Commitment Level-High
•    Coordinator - Assists the director in the areas of planning, organizing, and communication.
Priority-High            Commitment Level-High
•    Shepherd/Helpers - Assist with the production in a variety of capacities depending on the production needs of that particular year.
Priority-High            Commitment Level-Medium
Gifts that fit this role: varies

Family Movie Night
•    Coordinator - Coordinate the two family movie nights each year, helping with advertising, movie selection and supply purchasing.
Priority-Medium        Commitment Level-High
•    Shepherd/Helpers
Priority-Medium        Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: helps, hospitality

Parent's Night Out
•    Coordinator - Coordinate, plan, promote, and organize parents night out program.
Priority-High            Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, shepherding, administration, helps
•    Participant/Helper - Help with and participate in parents night out.
Priority-Medium        Commitment Level-Medium   
Gifts that fit this role: helps, encouragement, shepherding
Hanging of the Greens
•    Coordinator - Coordinate the hanging of the greens for the downstairs children’s area, setting the date and helping advertise the event.
Priority-Low            Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, administration, hospitality
•    Participant/Helper - Help with children’s hanging of the greens.
Priority-Low            Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: hospitality, helps
God & Country/Scout Sunday Program
•    Coordinator - Coordinates Scout Sunday and the God & Country program.
Priority-Medium        Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, administration           
•    Teacher - Teach a God and Country Class.
Priority-High            Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: teaching, leadership, shepherding
Tree Lighting
•    Refreshments & Snacks - Help provide, setup, and cleanup the drinks (and donated cookies) for the tree lighting
Priority-Medium        Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: helps, hospitality

Vacation Bible School (these roles available for morning and/or evening VBS)
•    Director - Is the point person and coordinator for VBS. Works with the children’s ministry staff to plan and lead VBS.
Priority-High            Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, administration, helps
•    Shepherd Director - Second in command for VBS working with the director to coordinate all aspects of VBS.
Priority-High            Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, administration, helps
•    Decoration Lead - Coordinate all of the decorations for VBS including the servants helping with decorating.
Priority-High            Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, administration, helps, hospitality
•    Mission Lead - Serve as the point person and coordinator for our VBS mission.
Priority-High            Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, administration, helps
•    Discovery Lead-Help design the projects for discovery and serve as the point person for that portion of VBS.
Priority-High            Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, administration, helps, creative communication, teaching
•    Music Lead - Plan the music portion of the opening and VBS, selecting songs and leading other helpers and Shepherds.
Priority-High            Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, administration, helps, encouraging, shepherding
•    Snack Lead - Coordinate all of the snacks for VBS, paying attention to allergy concerns, the theme, and healthy eating.
Priority-High            Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, administration, helps, hospitality
•    Games Lead - Plan, organize, and coordinate all of the games for VBS working with the other helpers and Shepherds.
Priority-High            Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, administration, helps
•    Cooking Lead - Plan, organize, and coordinate lunches for those serving and their families working with other helpers and Shepherds to prepare the meals.
Priority-High            Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, administration, helps, hospitality
•    Teacher - Serve as a lead teacher of a VBS class leading the Bible lessons, other pieces and managing the classroom.
Priority-High            Commitment Level-Medium
Gifts that fit this role: shepherding, teaching, encouragement, hospitality
•    Shepherd - Serve as an Shepherd in a classroom, helping the lead teacher with the class, with sign in and sign out and bathroom visits.
Priority-High            Commitment Level-Medium
Gifts that fit this role: helps, leadership, shepherding, encouragement
•    Helper - Help with one of the classrooms or other areas listed above.
Priority-Medium        Commitment Level-Medium
Gifts that fit this role: helps, leadership, shepherding, encouragement

Support Roles
•    Coordinator - Coordinates the library and all of its procedures and items to ensure best use of this precious gift.
Priority-medium        Commitment Level-Medium
Gifts that fit this role: helps, administration
•    Shepherd/Helpers - Help the coordinator with various tasks.
Priority-Low            Commitment Level-Medium
Gifts that fit this role: helps, administration
•    Computer Input - Input books and data into a computer database.
Priority-Low            Commitment Level-Medium
Gifts that fit this role: helps, administration
•    Shelving - Put books back on shelves that have been returned and replace the cards.
Priority-Medium        Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: administration, helps

•    Children’s Bulletin Boards - Setup and maintain the children’s ministry bulletin board keeping information and appearance neat and current.
Priority-Medium        Commitment Level-Medium
Gifts that fit this role: helps, hospitality
•    Stock Children’s Flyers & Information - Stock and hang up flyers around the church as needed.
Priority-Low            Commitment Level-Medium
Gifts that fit this role: administration, helps
•    Ministry Fair Table - Work the information table for kickoff Sunday to share information and answer questions about the children’s ministry.
Priority-Medium        Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: hospitality

•    Children’s Ministry Leadership Team - Meets once a month for most of the year and works on the big picture of the children’s ministry and the programs. Makes decisions about possible changes, as well as evaluating the ministry overall helping provide guidance and direction. Limited number of participants due to the nature of the group.
Priority-High            Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, encouragement, wisdom, discernment, knowledge

•    Children’s Ministry Support Team - Serve as the support team for our 9:30 Sunday School programs, especially Joy Trek. Meets at least 4 times a year to plan crafts and activities for Joy Trek and possibly other classes.
Priority-Medium        Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: helps, encouragement, administration
•    Curriculum Sorting - Sort curriculum for our Joy Trek classes fro each quarter.
Priority-Medium        Commitment Level-Varies
Gifts that fit this role: helps, administration

•    Data Entry - Help enter data for special events, programs, registrations, and attendance as able.
Priority-Medium        Commitment Level-Varies
Gifts that fit this role: helps, administration

Easter Children’s Bulletins
•    Prepare Bulletins & Crayon Bags - Get bulletins and crayon bags stocked and ready for Christmas Eve services.
Priority-Low            Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: helps
•    Children's Ushers - Hand out bulletins for children at one or more of the Christmas Eve services. Can be done as a family.
Priority-Medium        Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: hospitality

Christmas Eve Children’s Bulletins
•    Prepare Bulletins & Crayon Bags-get bulletins and crayon bags stocked and ready for Christmas Eve services.
Priority-Low            Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: helps
•     Children's Ushers - give out bulletins for children at one or more of the Christmas Eve services. Can be done as a family.
Priority-Medium        Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: hospitality

Closet Organization
•    Help organize our closets downstairs in the church to keep them accessible, safe, organized and clean so that we can be great stewards of our resources.
Priority-Low            Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: hospitality, helps, administration

Room Organization & Decoration
•    Help organize and decorate our Sunday School classrooms and common areas in conjunction with the little school to help them continue to be an inviting, practical, and healthy environment
Priority-Low            Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: hospitality, helps, creative communication

Snack Team for Special Events & Meetings
•    Provide snacks for special events, programs and meetings as needed and able.
Priority-Low            Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: hospitality, helps

Third Grade Bibles
•    Wrapping - Wrap the Bibles to be distributed to the third graders.
Priority-Low            Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: hospitality, helps, administration
•    Tags - Write the tags for the third grade Bibles that will be distributed.
Priority-Low            Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: hospitality, helps, administration

Tech Team Leader-serve as the point person for the Children’s Ministry Tech Team, working with the current tech team for training.  Facilitate our tech team working special Children’s Ministry events.
    Priority-High            Commitment Level-Medium
    Gifts that fit this role: administration, helps, leadership, shepherding

Tech Team Member - Serve on the Children’s Ministry tech team. Open to children and youth grades 3 and above as well as parents.
    Priority-High            Commitment Level-Low
    Gifts that fit this role: helps

Other Roles
•    Create a Role - For those who see a need for Children’s Ministry that is not being met or will help our children, families or programs, you can work with the children’s ministry staff to launch and fill a new role!
Priority-Varies                Commitment Level-Varies
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, other gifts?

•    Launch a Ministry - See a need for a new ministry or program for our children or families.  Work with the children’s ministry staff to create and launch a new ministry to fit a need in our church or community.
Priority-Varies                Commitment Level-Varies
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, other gifts?



Children's Ministry Staff Contact Info
If you have any questions you may contact:

Sharon Oliver

Sharon Oliver
Director of Children's Ministry
303-791-0659 x127
or email Sharon
Click for Sharon's bio

Sam Leahy

Sam Leahy
Director of Early
Childhood Ministry
303-791-0659 x140
or email Sam
Click for Sam's bio