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Floater - Checks in with Superintendent and CM Staff at 9:20am to find out where
a need is and helps fill it. Must be familiar with all aspects of 9:30am Sunday
School and comfortable jumping in and leading a class if needed. Resources will
be provided.
Gifts that fit this role: teaching, hospitality, mercy, shepherding,
11:00am Sunday School - Godly Play
• Storyteller - Serve as the storyteller using the
Godly Play curriculum for a quarter preparing and leading the story for
the day using the tools provided. Work with craft leader to plan
projects for the children for that week. Collect offering from children.
Gifts that fit this role: teaching, hospitality, mercy, shepherding,
• Shepherd - Serves as an assistant arriving by 10:45am to help parents sign in and answer any
questions. Assists the teacher with projects and leading the
class. Assists with sign out and helps with bathroom
breaks. Shepherds are asked to commit for one month a
year, but may serve more.
Gifts that fit this role: service, mercy, hospitality, evangelism,
• Craft Leader - Helps to plan activities for the
lesson planned in Godly Play using the supplies given to have various
stations as well as a project that is connected to the topic for the
day. Can serve 1-3 weeks per month for all or part of the
year. Arrives early to setup and stays to help lead clean up.
Gifts that fit this role: craftsmanship, encouraging, helping,
hospitality, shepherding
Special Events & Other Programs
Christmas Pageant
• Director - Selects or writes the script for the
pageant. Works with the Children’s Ministry staff to plan
rehearsals and schedule as well as advertising and communication.
Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: creative communication, administration,
shepherding, leadership
• Coordinator - Assists the director in the areas
of planning, organizing, and communication.
Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: administration, helps, leadership, shepherding
• Program Creator - Creates and prepares the printed
program for
the pageant.
Priority-Medium Commitment
Gifts that fit this role: administration, creative communication, helps
• Music Assistant - Helps in the preparation, selection and
practicing of the music for the pageant.
Priority-Medium Commitment
Gifts that fit this role: encouragement, shepherding, leadership
• Costumes Coordinator - Coordinates costumes for the pageant
working with the staff to fill any
costume needs.
Priority-Medium Commitment
Gifts that fit this role: helps, leadership
• Set Director - Leads the preparation and maintenance of
the set for the pageant.
Priority-Medium Commitment
Gifts that fit this role: craftsmanship, helps
• Shepherd/Helper - Helps the pageant director and
team with any needs in preparation of and on the day of the pageant.
Priority-Medium Commitment
Gifts that fit this role: varies
• Shepherds - Leads the kids up to the pageant on
the day of the pageant and at some rehearsals.
Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: shepherding, helps, encouraging
Easter Fun Day
• Coordinator - Works with the children’s
ministry staff to plan and lead all aspects of Easter Fun Day.
Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, administration
• Shepherds/Helpers - Serve on Easter Fun day
helping to make the day special at a variety of stations in a variety
of roles.
Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: helps, shepherding, encouragement
Children’s Dinner Theater
• Director - selects or writes the script for the
presentation. Works with the Children’s Ministry staff to plan
rehearsals and schedule as well as advertising and communication.
Commitment Level-High
• Coordinator - Assists the director in the areas
of planning, organizing, and communication.
Commitment Level-High
• Shepherd/Helpers - Assist with the production in
a variety of capacities depending on the production needs of that
particular year.
Commitment Level-Medium
Gifts that fit this role: varies
Family Movie Night
• Coordinator - Coordinate the two family movie
nights each year, helping with advertising, movie selection and supply
Priority-Medium Commitment
• Shepherd/Helpers
Priority-Medium Commitment
Gifts that fit this role: helps, hospitality
Parent's Night Out
• Coordinator - Coordinate, plan, promote, and
organize parents night out program.
Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, shepherding, administration, helps
• Participant/Helper - Help with and participate
in parents night out.
Priority-Medium Commitment
Gifts that fit this role: helps, encouragement, shepherding
Hanging of the Greens
• Coordinator - Coordinate the hanging of the
greens for the downstairs children’s area, setting the date and
helping advertise the event.
Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, administration, hospitality
• Participant/Helper - Help with children’s
hanging of the greens.
Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: hospitality, helps
God & Country/Scout Sunday Program
• Coordinator - Coordinates Scout Sunday and the
God & Country program.
Priority-Medium Commitment
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, administration
• Teacher - Teach a God and Country Class.
Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: teaching, leadership, shepherding
Tree Lighting
• Refreshments & Snacks - Help provide, setup,
and cleanup the drinks (and donated cookies) for the tree lighting
Priority-Medium Commitment
Gifts that fit this role: helps, hospitality
Vacation Bible School (these roles
available for morning and/or evening VBS)
• Director - Is the point person and coordinator
for VBS. Works with the children’s ministry staff to plan and
lead VBS.
Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, administration, helps
• Shepherd Director - Second in command for VBS
working with the director to coordinate all aspects of VBS.
Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, administration, helps
• Decoration Lead - Coordinate all of the
decorations for VBS including the servants helping with decorating.
Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, administration, helps, hospitality
• Mission Lead - Serve as the point person and
coordinator for our VBS mission.
Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, administration, helps
• Discovery Lead-Help design the projects for
discovery and serve as the point person for that portion of VBS.
Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, administration, helps, creative
communication, teaching
• Music Lead - Plan the music portion of the
opening and VBS, selecting songs and leading other helpers and
Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, administration, helps,
encouraging, shepherding
• Snack Lead - Coordinate all of the snacks for VBS, paying attention to allergy concerns, the theme, and healthy
Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, administration, helps, hospitality
• Games Lead - Plan, organize, and coordinate all
of the games for VBS working with the other helpers and Shepherds.
Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, administration, helps
• Cooking Lead - Plan, organize, and coordinate
lunches for those serving and their families working with other helpers
and Shepherds to prepare the meals.
Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, administration, helps, hospitality
• Teacher - Serve as a lead teacher of a VBS class
leading the Bible lessons, other pieces and managing the classroom.
Commitment Level-Medium
Gifts that fit this role: shepherding, teaching, encouragement,
• Shepherd - Serve as an Shepherd in a classroom,
helping the lead teacher with the class, with sign in and sign out and
bathroom visits.
Commitment Level-Medium
Gifts that fit this role: helps, leadership, shepherding, encouragement
• Helper - Help with one of the classrooms or
other areas listed above.
Commitment Level-Medium
Gifts that fit this role: helps, leadership, shepherding, encouragement
Support Roles
• Coordinator - Coordinates the library and all of
its procedures and items to ensure best use of this precious gift.
Priority-medium Commitment
Gifts that fit this role: helps, administration
• Shepherd/Helpers - Help the coordinator with
various tasks.
Commitment Level-Medium
Gifts that fit this role: helps, administration
• Computer Input - Input books and data into a
computer database.
Commitment Level-Medium
Gifts that fit this role: helps, administration
• Shelving - Put books back on shelves that have
been returned and replace the cards.
Priority-Medium Commitment
Gifts that fit this role: administration, helps
• Children’s Bulletin Boards - Setup and
maintain the children’s ministry bulletin board keeping
information and appearance neat and current.
Priority-Medium Commitment
Gifts that fit this role: helps, hospitality
• Stock Children’s Flyers &
Information - Stock and hang up flyers around the church as needed.
Commitment Level-Medium
Gifts that fit this role: administration, helps
• Ministry Fair Table - Work the information
table for kickoff Sunday to share information and answer questions
about the children’s ministry.
Priority-Medium Commitment
Gifts that fit this role: hospitality
• Children’s Ministry Leadership
Team - Meets once a month for most of the year and works on the big
picture of the children’s ministry and the programs. Makes
decisions about possible changes, as well as evaluating the ministry
overall helping provide guidance and direction. Limited number of
participants due to the nature of the group.
Commitment Level-High
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, encouragement, wisdom,
discernment, knowledge
• Children’s Ministry Support Team - Serve
as the support team for our 9:30 Sunday School programs, especially Joy
Trek. Meets at least 4 times a year to plan crafts and activities for
Joy Trek and possibly other classes.
Priority-Medium Commitment
Gifts that fit this role: helps, encouragement, administration
• Curriculum Sorting - Sort curriculum for our Joy
Trek classes fro each quarter.
Priority-Medium Commitment
Gifts that fit this role: helps, administration
• Data Entry - Help enter data for special events,
programs, registrations, and attendance as able.
Priority-Medium Commitment
Gifts that fit this role: helps, administration
Easter Children’s Bulletins
• Prepare Bulletins & Crayon Bags - Get
bulletins and crayon bags stocked and ready for Christmas Eve services.
Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: helps
• Children's Ushers - Hand out bulletins for
children at one or more of the Christmas Eve services. Can be done as a
Priority-Medium Commitment
Gifts that fit this role: hospitality
Christmas Eve Children’s Bulletins
• Prepare Bulletins & Crayon Bags-get
bulletins and crayon bags stocked and ready for Christmas Eve services.
Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: helps
• Children's Ushers - give out bulletins for
children at one or more of the Christmas Eve services. Can be done as a
Priority-Medium Commitment
Gifts that fit this role: hospitality
Closet Organization
• Help organize our closets downstairs in the
church to keep them accessible, safe, organized and clean so that we
can be great stewards of our resources.
Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: hospitality, helps, administration
Room Organization & Decoration
• Help organize and decorate our Sunday School
classrooms and common areas in conjunction with the little school to
help them continue to be an inviting, practical, and healthy environment
Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: hospitality, helps, creative communication
Snack Team for Special Events & Meetings
• Provide snacks for special events, programs
and meetings as needed and able.
Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: hospitality, helps
Third Grade Bibles
• Wrapping - Wrap the Bibles to be distributed to
the third graders.
Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: hospitality, helps, administration
• Tags - Write the tags for the third grade Bibles
that will be distributed.
Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: hospitality, helps, administration
Tech Team Leader-serve as the point person for the Children’s
Ministry Tech Team, working with the current tech team for
training. Facilitate our tech team working special
Children’s Ministry events.
Commitment Level-Medium
Gifts that fit this role: administration, helps,
leadership, shepherding
Tech Team Member - Serve on the Children’s Ministry tech
team. Open to children and youth grades 3 and above as well as
Commitment Level-Low
Gifts that fit this role: helps
Other Roles
• Create a Role - For those who see a need for
Children’s Ministry that is not being met or will help our
children, families or programs, you can work with the children’s
ministry staff to launch and fill a new role!
Commitment Level-Varies
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, other gifts?
• Launch a Ministry - See a need for a new
ministry or program for our children or families. Work with the
children’s ministry staff to create and launch a new ministry to
fit a need in our church or community.
Commitment Level-Varies
Gifts that fit this role: leadership, other gifts?
Children's Ministry Staff Contact Info
If you have any questions you may contact:
Sharon Oliver
Director of Children's Ministry
303-791-0659 x127
or email Sharon
Click for Sharon's bio
Sam Leahy
Director of Early
Childhood Ministry
303-791-0659 x140
or email Sam
Click for Sam's bio